Get a WiFi Thermostat. They're Cool!
By Howard Berenbon
We recently had a Home Energy Audit from our local power company. Both the electric and gas utilities will come to your home to check your energy efficiency and if they find problems, suggest ways to improve your usage to save on energy costs. Last week our local gas companyour local gas company was out to do a home inspection and we did fairly well. They suggest more insulation in our roof, and made sure everything was safe, and we passed. However, they also offered to change our thermostat to so we could monitor your heating and air conditioning settings over the Internet using your home WiFi connection. And it was all free.
The WiFi thermostat installed was a Sinsi brand made by Emerson. It took about 10 minutes to set up to our network, and then we were "cooking with gas", pun intended. This thermostat allows you to operate your furnace remotely. You can program temperature settings for individual days or the week, with four zones. But it's easy to over ride any of those settings from your smart phone with the click of a down or up arrow button. Also, the thermostat will sent alerts via e-mail if your furnace fails to respond to the programming. I liked that the cost was free, and a similar WiFi thermostat can cost up to $200. The complete inspection took about an hour and a half, and it was very thorough.
Next month we have the local electric utility scheduled out for the home electrical analysis. They say they're giving away some of those high efficiency LED light bulbs as part of the program. And, it's all free of charge. Can't wait!
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Interview at the Internet Advisor WJR 760am Detroit
I was interviewed by Gary Baker on the Internet Advisor show on News/Talk 760 am (a major station in the Detroit area). The podcast is online at
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