Affiliate Marketing Can Make You Money . August/Sept 2012 . Vol. 18 No. 8

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Affiliate Marketing Can Make You Money

By Howard Berenbon

So, you've built this successful Website, blog or newsletter, that gets you a lot of traffic. But, you're working hard, but not making any money. Well, you can if you concentrate on affiliate program marketing. In fact, if you put the right affiliate links on your site that that match your site's theme, you could get very rich (maybe), or get you some spending money. It costs nothing, and it's worth the gamble.

Where To?

So, how you do get those profitable Web links on to your site? You go to the affiliate program diectories like:

then find the programs that pay the most commission and sign up. Some will pay up to 20 percent per sale or referral, some very little. Some willl work, some won't. But don't sign up for too many at one time. Too many links to other sites can hurt your Google Page Rank, and result in reducing your visibility in the search engines. Try one or two at a time for a month and see if they generate any revenue. If not, remove those links, and get a few more. With a little, luck, or skill, you'll find the affiliate programs compatible with your audience, and you'll start generating quarterly checks.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is another way to go to generate revenue from your site. You simply sign up at Google, and place code on your pages. Google will drop in links that relate to you audience. If a visitor clicks on any of those links, Google pays a share of the cost of link, which can be 50 percent or more. Merchants pay for certain keywords, and each time a visitor clicks on a link, Google charges the going rate for that key word, which can be up $5 or more for each click through. If a visitor clicks on that ad, you could get $2.50 for that click, and it adds up. So, if your site is popular with lots of traffic, you could generate hundreds of dollars a month for displaying Google ads on your site.