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November/December 2018--3D Mapping with Your DJI Drone
October 2018--How to Stream Live on Youtube: Fast & Easy
September 2018--Keyword Search Tools Can Help Your Youtube Channel Grow
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Recent Software Reviews from Cyber Times LLC
November/December 2018--3D Mapping with Your DJI Drone
October 2018--How to Stream Live on Youtube: Fast & Easy
September 2018--Keyword Search Tools Can Help Your Youtube Channel Grow
By Howard Berenbon
If you're a kid and love to do stuff on the Internet, or you're an adult preparing for college, and haven't decided on your career, you should consider studying computer programming, mainly Java Android or Apple IOS. Today, there's a shortage of skilled computer programmers required to write code for the Apple and Android mobile devices, mainly phones and tablets. If you go into that field, you can expect a starting salary of $70.000 to $80,000 with the opportunity to earn over $200,000 a year with experience. You'll likely get a job at one of the tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google and Amazon, but they aren't the only companies who hire programmers. The automotive companies here in Detroit (General Motors, Ford and Chrysler) also have programming departments, and they hire Java Language and Apple IOS programmers. To get the job, you'll need a college degree in computer science or software engineering to be considered. And, if you're interested in learning, you'll find tons of free resources on the Internet, like Youtube video tutorials, to get a head start before you evern enter college. Experts say it's not hard to learn programming.
The opportunities are so great for computer programmers that some groups, like Kode with Klossy (model Karlie Kloss), are promoting free education for young girls. They say if you start teaching children to code in elementary school, they'll have the skills to earn that college degree and get the job. And they feel, it's not that hard to learn to program. Kode with Klossy is promoting programming for girls to close the salary discrimination gap between men and woman in industry.
Bill Gates, billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, thinks learning to program is a great idea, and it's easy! Bill says programming is like real life. You have to make decisions to do things. Like if it's raining outside, you have to decide to put on a raincoat before you leave the house, and that's just an IF statement in programming. See the video below to hear what Bill has to say.
If you're interested in a head start, below are a few great resources on learning the Java Langauge via Youtube.
Derek Banas
Mosh Hamedani
The Bill Gates video clip on programming fron Soft Tech
Crazy Tech and Puppets take on Learning Programming
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I was interviewed by Gary Baker on the Internet Advisor show on News/Talk 760 am (a major station in the Detroit area). The podcast is online at
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