Superman Activity Center and JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade from Knowledge Adventure
Superman Activity Center from Knowledge Adventure
If you and your kids (ages 5 to 10 and beyond) are super hero fans (Batman, Spiderman , Superman and more) then you'll have fun with Superman Activity Center from Knowledge Adventure. You enter the world of Superman with many activities only a super hero can perform. With super graphics, super sounds and that super hero also known a Clark Kent, you'll find 13 fun and educational activities (games and puzzles) at three different locations in the comic book world of Superman. You can visit Krypton, Smallville and Metropolis.
At Krypton play Brainiac's Challenge, assemble a prototype of the rocket that sent Clark, as a baby, to Earth and paint some scenes from Krypton. Visit Smallville and find yourself in the Kent's kitchen (Superman's home away from home) where you can paint pictures in Ma Kent's Scrapbook or go outside and help Clark with his X-ray vision in the Hidden Hazards activity. Finally, you can visit Metropolis for activities at and around the Daily Planet. Color photos in Jimmy Olsen's darkroom, write newspaper stories, recover scrambled profiles from Lois Lane's computer, learn the constellations in the night sky and even beat the villain Lex Luthor at the Lex Challenge game.
After signing in, you have two play options: the Activity Mode, where you can go to any activity at anytime, and the Story Mode where you'll get the history of Superman beginning on Krypton and advancing the story as you complete the activities.
The software sells for $24.95 and will run on any 486SX 25 MHz or faster multimedia computer (Windows 3.1 or Windows 95), 8 megabytes of RAM, 10 megabytes of hard disk space and a double-speed CD-ROM drive. It will also run on an Apple Performa 550 or better, or Power Macintosh with a double-speed CD-ROM drive.
For more information, contact Knowledge Adventure at 1-800-542-4240.
JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade from Knowledge Adventure
If you're looking for educational software that's anything but boring, then you can't go wrong with JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade (for kids ages 8 to 10) to capture your child's mind at the computer. You'll find language arts, math, history, geography, science, art and music on a haunted island of hidden knowledge all with great graphics and sound. The goal is to rescue 13 lost friends hidden in the castle before they're mutated into freakish fiends forever. In your search, you'll roam the island and play games of skill and knowledge to earn keys and find the kids possessions so they can be returned to their normal, happy, state.
There are two ways to play: the Adventure Mode and Practice Mode. Selecting the Adventure Mode requires following the adventure from beginning to end by taking Madame Pomreeda's challenges to rescue the kids. In the Practice Mode you can play almost any activity by clicking elements on the island going right to the games from the island map.
Activities are found in the Labyrinth, in the Cemetery (pick the right word), in the Enchanted Forest (for some math), in the Spider Web (for making up words), in the Mummy's Tomb (for history), on the Pirate's Map (geography), in the Vampire Maze (for more math), at the Mutant Swamp (for some gardening), in the Well (and more math), in the Clock Tower (for music) and finally, in Mrs. Grunkle's House (for the rescue).
JumpStart Adventures 4th Grade sells for $39.95 and will run on any 486DX33 MHz or faster multimedia computer (Windows 3.1 or Windows 95), 8 megabytes of RAM, 9 megabytes of hard disk space and a double-speed CD-ROM drive. It will also run on an Apple Macintosh with a 68040 processor or faster, 8 megabytes of RAM, 9 megabytes of hard disk space and a double-speed CD-ROM drive.
For more information, contact Knowledge Adventure at 1-800-542-4240.
Howard Berenbon